What to expect

Your first visit

Your health journey with us begins with a thorough initial consultation  that will take approximately 45 minutes. Our Chiropractors will go through your case history, and then perform a Chiropractic, neurological and orthopedic examination. You may be referred for additional tests and/ or imaging if indicated.

Your second visit

We will take the time to go through a report of your findings where your chiropractor will review your history, examination, test and images (if any), in detail as well as their recommendation. This will allow for you to make a decision for commencement of care and consent.

Our Services

We understand that everybody's case is different and that is why we want to ensure we are providing the best care possible by completing a thorough initial consultation and report of findings as well as offering an array of different techniques tailored to the individual. We also believe that health may require different modalities and have teamed up with Remedial Massage therapists, Physiotherapist, Counsellor, Beauty Therapist and Pilates.

Our Chiropractic techniques are catered for both those who wish to be manually adjusted and those who would prefer not to be.

Make Health your priority today!

email us or call us on 08 9505 8480 to get started!

We Accept:

All Private Healths | EPC referrals | DVA referrals | ICWA | Workers Compensation | Police Compensation